How to prepare for the future era of online privacy: the experience of European companies

A online cookie is a piece of data that stores information about a website user when he accesses it through a browser.

In fact, cookies store a very large How  How to  prepare for the future: the experience of European companies sg phone list accordance How How to prepare for the future era of: the experience of European companies sg phone list accordance with data conversions work. prepare with data conversions work. to prepare amount of data for visitors:

The pages view the user and the time spent

When news first appeared on the web online privacy that How  How prepareto prepare third-party cookies would disappear from Google Chrome, we wrote about how this would affect contextual advertising .

1. What is the problem with advertisers?

For business owners and advertisers, the approach to work will completely change. And here’s why:

Without cookie data, all users who entered the site will be displayed as those who entered for the first time, since their data will be stored for a day.
There will be difficulties with tracking – from  where How online privacy prepare How to prepare for the future era the experience of European companies sg phone list accordance with data conversions work. the How to prepare conversion was made, because the user can choose, monitor and go to the site from different places for a long time.
Running a remarketing campaign will not be possible online privacy because there will be no audiences to run ads to.
The number of registrations on the site will decrease, because there will be no technology for automatically filling in fields and entering the site using an account in social networks.

The cost of attracting customers will increase

In 2021, Chrome delayed the process and  prepare to prepare moved the end of support for third-party cookies to mid-2023.
If your company has not yet started preparing its site for changes in the browser, there is still time!

Google Chrome itself, commenting on the introduction of new technologies in the browser, states that the industry is changing, and brands and marketers need specific solutions to prepare for the changes. They recommend:

Build relationships with clients

Keep your data in order.
Implement a global Google site tag.
Study the perspective.
Now it’s more similar.

Customer relations .
Building a brand name is a long-term process in online privacy which you, as a business owner, must constantly broadcast your ideals through products, services, open platforms, social networks, etc.

Boston Consulting Group research cookie


The more transparent your online behavior is, the How to prepare for the future era : the experience of European companies sg phone list accordance with data online privacy conversions work. more trusting your relationship with users will be. Accordingly, they will not wonder whether they can trust this company with information about themselves through cookies. People will calmly register, provide information about themselves, knowing that you are a reliable company.

It is important to remember privacy and  How prepare communicate what consumers agree to. Make sure your privacy policy is clear and up-to-date, and tells you how people can control their data, including how to opt-out or request deletion.

Make sure your primary data is clean

well maintained and connected to your internal systems. This will help you avoid any operational disruptions as extraneous data is gradually removed.

Boston Consulting Group commissioned Google to conduct research and found that marketers who use unique first-hand data receive twice as much revenue per ad placement, communication or reach.


Offer you basic GDR databases We offer you a overseas data great library of phone numbers that are accurate and high-quality and allow you to easily reach your target audience. In the end, we want to lead your business to improvement, where there are no errors in your database. In addition, we update our database every week.


The global tag  a general tag

that supports all Google services: Campaign Manager, Google Ads, Display and Video 360, Google Analytics, Search Ads 360.

It is enough to add a tag to all pages of the site, and How to prepare for the future era of online privacy: the experience of European companies sg phone list accordance with data conversions work. you will receive information about visitors to your site, similar to cookies, which will increase the accuracy of online conversion measurements.


overseas data



Using the tag will help you optimize your digital marketing campaigns.

Time will not turn back. Users will worry about the privacy of their data even more. You simply have no choice but to work with their data honestly and transparently.

For example, marketers may want to buy data sets or use identity-based advertising tools. It is worth considering whether this choice is correct and how it will affect the brand name.

Now is the time to work for the long term: invest in building trusting relationships with customers, in a strong strategy for using your own data and ensuring privacy on the Internet.

Many companies have been able to reduce sales delays, improve operational efficiency and improve customer loyalty through their investments in privacy.

3. What strategies are already used by European companies
source – Google blog

Consider the example of the European company E.ON — a provider of energy services in Europe.

In 2018, when talks about banning the use of third-party cookies began, E.ON conducted research and determined that not all visitors to their site consent to the processing of their personal data through cookies. Because of which there were problems with the measurement of engagement and productivity.

We relied on comprehensive data sets from our website and this data helped us deliver effective online campaigns. So it quickly became a big challenge for us ,” Elena Saldern, E.ON’s Head of Marketing Performance and Online Marketing Analytics.

Management decided to eradicate the problem

of data protection at an early stage. Understanding that the processing of user data affects the entire customer journey, from the consent checkbox on the How to prepare for the future era of online privacy: the experience of European companies sg phone list accordance with data conversions work. main page to measurement and campaign optimization, enabled the huge E.ON team to fully test and restart the entire process.

The team includes specialists in data protection, development, design, marketing and digital sales. External partners and third-party agencies also helped. The team developed a new strategy that enabled:

Global site tag laid the foundation

for more accurate conversion measurement, full visibility of all conversions in Google Analytics, and easy integration with other Google products.
Using server-side tags . As a result, E.ON no corporate governance: maximize your effectiveness in the boardroom longer loads redundant tags on its website or app, resulting in reduced site load times , which immediately lead to an improved user experience.
Mode of consent . E.ON has introduced Consented-Only Mode, a version of Consent Mode that helps to collect data from users who have not given their consent to share their data through a cookie checkbox on the main page. At the same time, the privacy of users is constantly preserved and protected.
Google Analytics 4 . An advanced analytics tool collects data on the behavior of users of applications and web resources. By implementing Google Analytics 4 , the E.ON company improved the quality of data and increased the efficiency of analysis by 15%.

Advanced conversions

Data from E.ON sites can aleart news be encrypted and securely transmitted to Google and then matched with registered Google accounts to more accurately correlate campaign conversions with advertising activity, track clicks and views. All this is done in accordance with data protection regulations.
How advanced cookie testing conversions work.

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