Aur??lie Lecoq Responsable Contr??le de Gestion chez Soci??t?? G??n??rale
contact name: Aur??lie Lecoq
contact job function details: responsable contr??le de gestion chez soci??t?? g??n??rale
contact job function:
contact job title: Responsable Contr??le de Gestion chez Soci??t?? G??n??rale
contact job seniority: entry
contact person city: Paris
contact person state: ?─le-de-France
contact person country: France
contact person zip code: 75017
business name: SG
business domain:
business facebook URL:
business linkedin:
business twitter:
business website:
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business angellist:
business found year:
business city: Luxembourg
business zip code: 1724
business state: Luxembourg
business country: Luxembourg
business language: English,French
business employee: 0
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business category: banking
business specialty: banking
business technology: office_365,typo3,apache,sizmek_mediamind,google_tag_manager,linkedin_login,xiti,piwik,bootstrap_framework,google_plus_login,krux,nginx,drupal,google_analytics,facebook_widget,facebook_login,mobile_friendly,twitter_advertising,varnish,pingdom,jw_player,incapsula,linkedin_widget,at_internet,youtube
business description: The Bank serving 31 million individual and professional clients worldwide, placing innovation and digital technology at the heart of its business to constantly improve the services we provide.