Gavin Moscone Administrative Assistant
contact name: Gavin Moscone
contact job function details: administrative
contact job function:
contact job title: Administrative Assistant
contact job seniority: entry
contact person city: Oakland
contact person state: California
contact person country: United States
contact person zip code:
business name: Golden State Fitness & Performance,LLC
business domain:
business facebook URL:
business linkedin:
business twitter:
business website:
business angellist:
business found year: 2010
business city: Oakland
business zip code: 94611
business state: California
business country: United States
business language:
business employee: 1
business category: health, wellness & fitness
business specialty: strength conditioning, corrective exercises, weight loss, power speed development, individualized program designs, olympic weight lifting, personal training, kettlebell training, sport specific training, strength amp conditioning, power amp speed development, small group training, health, wellness and fitness
business technology: facebook_widget,css:_max-width,mobile_friendly,yelp,facebook_web_custom_audiences,typekit,google_font_api,css:_font-size_em,css:_@media,facebook_login
business description: We help men and women move, look, and feel better through results driven customized fitness & nutrition programs that are tailored toward their individual lifestyle.We coach athletes to reach their athletic potential through customized strength & conditioning programs tailored toward their specific strengths and weaknesses making them move better, become stronger and more explosive, and minimize their risks of injury.