Tina Haahr Head of Design

contact name: Tina Haahr
contact job function details: design
contact job function:

contact job title: Head of Design

contact job seniority: head

contact person city: Copenhagen

contact person state: Capital Region of Denmark

contact person country: Denmark

contact person zip code:

business name: Mono Solutions

business domain: dwarf.dk

business facebook URL:

business linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/company/30410

business twitter:

business website: http://www.dwarf.dk

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business angellist:

business found year: 2000

business city: Frederiksberg

business zip code:

business state: Capital Region of Denmark

business country: Denmark

business language:

business employee: 52

gwyn dale

business category: internet

business specialty: episerver, visuel design, net, design strategy, digital strategy, open source cms, user experience, marketing automation, digital agency, communication, php, online strategy, brand identity, digital services, drupal, internet

business technology: amazon_cloudfront,cloudflare_dns,mailchimp_mandrill,outlook,amazon_elastic_load_balancer,office_365,cloudflare_hosting,microsoft_frontpage,nginx,cloudflare,drupal,typekit,mobile_friendly,google_tag_manager

business description: Et digitalt bureau der udvikler alle typer af v?¬rdiskabende og kundetilpassede web-, app- og mobill??sninger.



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