What is the most interesting?
This is the easiest and most effective SEO strategy on the planet.
Please follow the Complete Guide to Building Internal Links that I wrote earlier.
3. Update About Your About Page
When was the last time you updated your about page?
White people refer to as ” About Page ”
If you’re like most other bloggers, you probably haven’t touched it since the first time you wrote it.
Able to?
And maybe it was years ago.
Take the check back now.
Is there anything out of date? Not relevant?
Try looking at these things Bibliographic information, latest developments and so on
Information about services or products – you may Phone Number List want to remove old ones or add new ones.
Links to the best articles – you probably have a good piece of writing to promote.
4. Add a Picture of Yourself
Photos can be a great way to help readers feel connected because it shows them the person behind the writing.
If you have a good new photo (it doesn’t even have to look professional), then add it to your about page.
You can also put it on the header or on the sidebar
Pictures will help structure the page and make it easy to read.
You can see an example of my about page here
5. Remove Widgets From Sidebar
Most of the sidebars on the side of the blog are fibrous.
It often makes readers struggle to find the option they actually want (like a button to follow you on FB or twitter ).
Check your sidebar and find unimportant widgets, then get rid of them.
6. Managing Comments
Often we easily overlook comments.
Take two minutes to check for any comments that need a reply or any spam comments that have slipped in.
Unanswered questions and spam comments will leave a bad impression on readers
It makes adan look like they don’t care about your SGB Ddirectory blog and readers
If you find it difficult to keep up with the comments, you may be able to close the comments section on articles that are older than a month.
It’s also a good idea to close the comment section on pages like the about page so that it doesn’t fray over time.
7. Enter More Information on the Contact Page
Some bloggers put a contact form only and no other information.