That’s the kind of spirit that Ardo

Figures who started businesses when they were middle-aged. Colonel Harland David Sanders, founder of superpower restaurant KFC, for example. He created his restaurant recipe when he was 5 years old and then franchised his business when he was 62 years old. It’s never too late, right?  has. The spirit of creating opportunities and “Don’t be afraid to fail!” no matter how many times it fails. Story of a Pre-Employment Card Graduate Developer: “Don’t be afraid to fail!” Check out the stories of other Pre-Employment Card graduate developers, only at: Rising to Run: Stories of Developers Affected by Layoffs during the Pandemic .

The Front End Web Developer

 Classes in learning path that he had been studying. New Missions and Challenges with Web Developer Skills Receiving good feedback in terms of skills after the Pre-Employment Card program, Ardo became increasingly Developers Want your application to be flexible when running? This article will really help you! Hello friends, how are you ? May we remain healthy and remain whatsapp number list productive! I want to talk a little, okay? So, after writing Flutter Hummingbird was finished, I just realized something when I tried running the project again. Ouch ! I felt the project was too rigid when the viewing window changed size. From there I tried to reopen the Android application projects that I had previously created. And it’s true, I am increasingly aware of these shortcomings. For that reason, I did some more exploration. 

Then I looked for a solution

So that the application runs smoothly when used. And as usual, I will share the results of this exploration with you in this article. In the exploration process, I gained a lot of knowledge about how an application can look less rigid when used. One SGB Directory way is to apply animation to each view by utilizing ValueObjectAnimator and other animation components, for example. However, I was again interested in one of the ViewGroups derived from ConstraintLayout , namely MotionLayout . Why are you interested again? Yes, because I’ve tried it before. However, because at that time MotionLayout was still an alpha version, it had shortcomings. Plus support for Android Studio is not as complete as it is now.

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