All you have to do is drag your clip into a scene and transition into the full screen of your recording. Pretty sweet. right? Bonus! Reuse your template Now this part is really cool. Once you have your demo video set out the way you like. you can save it as a new template. ready to be us for your next video. and the one after that! This can save a lot of time in the future as you’ll already have all your own brand elements ready to go. The only thing you’ll have to do next time is swap out the footage and any visual aids.
Such as text or annotations. that are
Specific to your recording. Templates to make a demo video Saving the video you just made europe email list as your own custom template is easy too. In fact. it’s probably easier than all the other steps we’ve cover — and even they weren’t that hard. right? The first step is to replace the screen recording with a placeholder. after you’ve sav and/or export your demo video that is. To do this. right-click any piece of mia on the timeline and choos Convert to Placeholder. Then. go to File > Save as Template and provide a name for the template file.
This saves the template in Camtasia
On your computer. How to make a product demo video thanks to templates If. on the other hand. you want to share your template. go to File > Export > Template. and name the file. Your template will then be export as a Camtasia Template file. known as a CAMTEMPLATE. Once it’s export. you can send the file to colleagues or place it in a shar location. All they have to do is download the template file and double-click to add it to their templates SGB Directory menu. where it can be select at any time. The Camtasia template file works on both Windows and Mac. so you don’t have to worry about sharing between different platforms.