sanne wesselman sltraveling sanne is the founder and itor of spend your life traveling. With with a background in online marketing. She enjoys taking an analytical approach to blogging. Which has help her grow her blog into a full-time income. She has been traveling the world since 2008 and has been fortunate over the years to call a number of different countries home.”my number one tip for growing a travel blog is to do good keyword research. Many travel bloggers start their blog by writing personal travel stories without researching what people are actually looking for.
Keyword research helps you find
These stories may be great and well written. But if no one is looking for this information. It will be difficult to grow your blog. Of Email List course. Write about things you enjoy and know about. But before deciding on the topic of the article. Invest in keyword research. Keyword research helps you find out what your potential readers are searching for. What are the questions that arise and to which you can provide excellent answers? Learn how keyword research works. Learn to choose keywords that you can rank for and that will bring readers to your website.
Your keyword strategy should
Consider guest posting. Attending blogger events. And collaborating on social mia.” tory jon tory jon is the founder of rv faq. A leading resource for all things rv travel. “when it comes to growing a travel blog. The key is to invest heavily in keyword SGB Directory optimization. Your keyword strategy should include a mix of short-tail and long-tail keywords. To be able to attract both a broad audience and a more target audience. You should also focus on all elements of your blog. From titles to posts. From bio to descriptions. To image tags. There are a surprising number of places where you can use words strategically keyword.